Slope Software’s experts to be featured in a cloud computing webinar
The Society of Actuaries is hosting a webinar on Thursday, February 25, at 11 am Central Time (UTC – 6). And your friendly neighborhood Slope professionals are going to be featured!
Both Andy Smith, CEO, and Taylor Perkins, CTO, will be part of this discussion covering leading-edge topics in cloud computing.

Attendees will learn:
- Perspectives from a technology standpoint (how to actually design and deploy cloud technology and secure it)
- What does it look like to put it into actuarial practice
- Where is this industry going?
We’re grateful that the Society of Actuaries has agreed to produce this webcast, and proud to be sharing the spotlight with other industry leaders paving the way for new and better applications of cloud technology.
(This event has since passed and can no longer be registered for.)
To see more about how SLOPE uses cloud technology, check out some of these prior blog posts:
- Why Actuaries Need The Cloud
- Don’t Touch That Server! Hosted Versus On-Premises Solutions
- Work Better: How SaaS Benefits Actuaries